Real Time Ultrasound
Real time ultrasound uses sound waves to assess what is going on beneath the skin. Its use is well know in obstetrics to look at the growth of the fetus. Physiotherapists who have been using it in practice for decades have specialty training to support patient understanding of what is going on with their bodies.
What are its common uses?
At BoDynamics Physiotherapy real time ultrasound is use to educate, assess and support recovery of core musculature, diastasis recti and pelvic floor.
Assessing Core Musculature:
After an injury, surgery, pregnancy or if you notice you have a diastasis recti (abdominal separation) real time ultrasound can be used to determine what level of function the body is currently at and what needs to be addressed to facilitate optimal functional recovery. Assessment focuses on the deep muscles of the abdominal wall and the linea alba (tension across the midline). These muscles are important to the lumbopelvic hip complex and optimal collaboration with the thorax and foot for movement, agility, power and strength.
Assessing the Pelvic Floor:
Real time ultrasound can be used transabdominal (over the pubic symphysis) or transperineal (over the perineum with appropriate draping/sanitization techniques) to determine the baseline function of the pelvic floor musculature, fascia integrity and rectal control. This is helpful for individuals to understand why they may be experiencing continence issues, bowel/bladder function, prolapse or pain.